发表于 2010-8-17 01:59
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No, I didn't know "Innocent" was a dialect album. I went back and compared it to "Silk Road" and I could tell. My big conclusion was........OMG How beautifully that man sings! I don't have a good ear for languages, it's more like just impressions. I recently have found several Pinyin lyrics for Chyi Chin songs and it helps me to read along with a song to understand the language a little better. I have also thought that he has perfect, clear diction. Even his speaking voice is so perfect. I collected about 10 versions of "Moon Represent My Heart" and I heard some pretty bad Mandarin in there!!!!! The first music I listened to was in Cantonese, and I found it very harsh sounding. When I discovered Mandarin it was like discovering treasure.
Do I have this right? "Dim Moon" and "Innocent" are both dialect albums-in different dialects? Would he record these for a Taiwan audience?
Speaking of Fujian-isn't that where the big earthquake scare is taking place right now? People are actually leaving because a hoax was pulled that a big earthquake was coming? That remind me, how many of you have seen the movie "Aftershock"? It sounds like a gargantuan hit. No one can see it without crying. I love a movie that gives you a good cry. (My favorite directors are Wong Kar Wai, Zhang Yimou, and Johnnie To in Hong Kong-along with many others. I love Asian movies, also).
Would anyone mind telling me where you are from, so I can look up your location?
I am so conscious that this is English practice for some of you that I go back and re-check everything I type to make sure it as proper as I can make it. No pressure!!!
Too many questions again,
KK |