Gong-I will watch for video. It is fantastic when someone posts video and photos. Qi Qin should be in pretty good shape after his long vacation! I notice how he has a way of really connecting with his audience. He seems to really see individuals. It's like his fans really are friends.
gjj-Your English is wonderful. I can't duplicate a single word in Chinese. I am constantly amazed at everyone's fantastic English, because it can''t be easy. Where was your profile photo with Qi Qin taken? I was lucky enough to greet him in September 2008 at his concert in Los Angeles, California and get a photo.
Yangyan263-I am very well. How wonderful you are taking your son to the concert. He'll be in a whole new generation of fans. I think Qi Qin must have 4 or 5 generations by now. I completely understand how hard it is to communicate in another language. I can't do it at all!
You are right. Minnesota is at the northern end of "Tornado Alley", but we haven't had anything yet. Peak season is May and June. Tornadoes are a product of geography. The warm air meets the cold air and BANG-twister! The storm sirens go off and we all run to the basement! "Twister" is a pretty good tornado movie, if you ever rent western movies. Do you get tornadoes in China?
Once I get started-it's hard to stop. Best wishes all.
KK |