We have had high water-especially where the creeks run into the Mississippi, but we have very high banks. The Sauk River is busy with canoeers, and many of them have had to be rescued hanging in the trees. They under estimate the power of high water.
Duluth, where the zoo got flooded-had horrible flooding just from heavy rainfall. Duluth is a very neat city. It is a major Great Lakes port on Lake Superior. When you enter the city you go from such a height down to sea level your ears pop! All that rainfall ran down hill through the city. It is a great city to visit. I call ot the San Francisco of the North because of all the high hills.
I signed up on Weibo by accident. I was so surprised it worked that I almost fainted. Ha Ha
I signed up for a hotmail address and it worked! I love it. It was not recognizing my usual email address. You might be better off not signing up. It becomes addictive. With the time change I am always chatting in the middle of the night here when I should be sleeping. But I love the chat. It seems like such a miracle to talk to Chinese people in real time. They are so patient with me I can not believe it! I love them all
Nice to hear from you too.
KK |
Chyi Chin's biggest fan in
Minnesota, USA. |