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Chyi Yu is such a beautiful woman. I don't know anything about her. I know she has a child from a previous marriage. How old is her child? Does she have a "significant other"  (boyfriend) in her life? I once saw her referred to as the "Bohemian Nightingale". Has her personal style always been so distinctive? She does sing like an angel. I would love any Chyi Yu fan to tell me a little about her.

Thank you for the information and the link. Now I have another web page to peruse! I went to the original and laughed at the comments on Chyi Chin's "snacks". I personally think he looks great with a few pounds on him. It gives him a very masculine presence.  He is always way too skinny when he is unhappy.
He doesn't have that air of melancholy he had when younger. He seems happy and healthy in his maturity-hopefully fans who have followed from the beginning and are the same age have done the same!

I read his comment when asking the audience how many years they had been fans and saying "that long? Then you are so old!"  Perfect!  I think he is at his peak.
