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That's What Love is all About

Michael Bolton 1987年的歌。当年龙抄手指责老大演唱的《无情的雨,无情的你》抄袭自该歌,《无情的雨,无情的你》词曲作者董荣骏。

There was a time
We thought our dream was over
When you and I
Had surely reached the end
Still here we are
The flame as strong as ever
All because we both kept holding on
We know we can weather any storm
Baby, that's what love is all about
Two hearts that find a way, somehow
To keep the fire burning
It's something we could never live without
It it takes forever
We can work it out
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Baby, that's what love is all about
As time goes by
We've learned to rediscover
The reason why
This dream of our survives
Through thick and thin
We're destined for each other
Knowing we can reach the other side
Far beyond the mountains of our pride
Ridin' the good times is easy
The hard times can tear you apart
There'll be times in your heart
When the feelin' is gone
But ya keep on believing
And ya keep holdin' on
Baby, that's what love is all about
Two hearts that find a way, somehow
To keep the dream from dying
It's something we could never live without
If it takes forever
We can work it out
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Baby, that's what love is all about

[ 本帖最后由 填写 于 2008-3-29 01:01 编辑 ]

是的,以前听过,配器都很象的,如果单纯董荣骏抄袭,那此歌配器都是董荣骏死了以后的事了,Michael Bolton 是个主流大牌,87年也是很红的,也相信台湾做流行的音乐人都应该听过.知道后心理也不是个滋味,但不管怎么说,这首歌的唱好也是很难的.
又听到 老迈 那激 情的声音
董荣骏的编配 因为先听的缘故 感觉比原曲出色
让我弹着  让我唱着  一个生命的过客  一个孤独的影子  一首生命的悲歌  一个岁月的休止符...

[ 本帖最后由 出沒 于 2009-1-5 16:54 编辑 ]
她像是一條清澈蜿蜒的河 任性地流過我的一生  
輕輕的洗去我的深沉 靜靜地陪我度過多少黃昏